Gili Trawangan: A Photo Story
Gili Trawangan is this magical island where many different things converged: fun nightlife, great restaurants, paradise beaches, amazing marine life – you name it.
We invited a team of talented photographers from Dreams Studio Bali to capture the spirit of Gili Trawangan and we want to share this photo story with you.
Coming from Bali to Gili Trawangan is very easy and quick, as many boats travel between the destinations every day. You can take a boat from Serangan, Padang Bai or Amed and a couple of hours later, you’ll disembark on a white sand beach with turquoise sea gently washing the shore.

A short boat ride from the coast of Bali will take you right to the paradise of Gili Trawangan.

The rainy season is always tricky but don’t be afraid! Gili Trawangan’s location between Lombok and Bali means that most of the rain falls on the bigger islands as the mountains keep don’t let the clouds to pass far.

Soon enough you will enjoy the beauty of Gili Trawangan.

White beaches, soft sand and hip bars are waiting for you day & night.

Streets are bustling with life all year round…

Street food is always there, ready for you to have another taste of the Unknown.

On Gili Trawangan, you get a great choice of street food, especially during the Night Market. A visit to the Night Market is a must-do on Gili T!

A short bike ride away from the main street, is our resort, Villas Edenia.

Here you can relax in the middle of a coconut plantation.

Beaches are about 5 minutes away and the Sunset Point is waiting for your marvellous photo shoot!

A dinner at the beach? I’m in!

You can explore the island in many different ways and a ride in “cidomo” is a unique experience – no doubt!

Get ready for a beauty overload.

And never worry – Gili Trawangan will marvel you on and on.